Thursday, August 21, 2008

Poetry- Words from my heart VI

* This is the original work of Achyut Telang and you may not reproduce or distribute this information in whole or in part and the content on this blog post cannot be copied, edited, reproduced or used without the prior written permission of Achyut Telang.


Many times in my life,
I have seen nature's lull
But this time what I see,
Is something very special.

As I stand in the morning,
The cold breeze touches my face,
As I say to myself that
This is surely one of those beautiful days

Where there is greenery all around,
But still no sign of the sun
There is dew in the atmosphere,
So everything is wet in the urban.

The animals and birds seem to be active,
As they are up and away,
But people are still asleep,
As it is just a Sunday!

The trees have a variety of leaves,
Which are of different colour and shade
Majority of them are dark and light green
While a few others are a bit yellow and red.

The clouds completely fill up the sky
As they have a gathering
And thus in the process, hide from us,
The heavenly world of the King.

The birds commence their free flight
In this scene, capable of making anyone proud
They fly freely in the clean air,
Which contains nothing but the clouds.

They fly away to great heights,
Still looking for the first rays of the sun.
All of them are busy finding food,
And soon the early birds catch the worm.

They express themselves in their own way,
And make beautiful sounds again and again
Which are usually denied to us,
In the drowning sounds created by Man.

Some people enjoy the morning walk,
Listening to these voices, which are very tame
With their hands in their pockets,
As the coldness around, gradually gets to them.

The sun now shows itself,
And also looks around at everyone.
Suddenly everything seems to come to life,
As on everyone fall the first rays of the sun.

One should not be lazy
And still sleep in the cozy bed,
When such divine sights,
Are for you by the nature made.

Achyut Telang.


Interesting Fact - There is enough water in Earth’s atmosphere to cover the entire surface of the Earth with one inch of water!