Saturday, February 28, 2009

Poetry- Words from my heart II

* This is the original work of Achyut Telang and you may not reproduce or distribute this information in whole or in part and the content on this blog post cannot be copied, edited, reproduced or used without the prior written permission of Achyut Telang.


There is only one thing in this world
That you can be absolutely sure about
That death is going to come to everyone
And for this there can be no doubt.

Still in their life, people forget this fact
As a matter of fact, they try and ignore it
As the very idea fills them with fear
And, if they could, with death, they'll never meet.

But death is something that has to be faced
And it's possible only if you've lived life fully
If you've lived life the way you've always wanted
Then you'll know even how to die peacefully.

The more you tend to forget death,
The more you get attached to people and things
As, the people you love; you don't want them to die
But death comes to all without the distinction of beggars and kings.

So the lesson for us is to accept death
And to live life blissfully and to rejoice
And to make even the experience of death, a blessing
As doing that is the best possible choice!

Achyut Telang.


Little Known Fact About Death -Maybe people just aren't comfortable using the word 'die'. There are more than 200 euphemisms for death, so we don't have to utter the real words.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Me and cooking!

Regarding this topic, let me tell you that those people who know me, know that kitchen is one of my least frequented places- not because cooking is one of the things I don't have interest in but because I am not a foodie whatsoever. It will be difficult to find a person who is as indifferent (if I can say that) to food as I am!

If you have read my other posts, you will know that I weigh 50 kgs and I clearly fall in the underweight category. As regards food, I have always seen people around me having strong likes and dislikes about food to the extent that they have so much aversion to some foods that they will just not touch it and other food items that they like, they can have any amount of it! ..............

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Gambling- a game of chance?

Around a month back, I and a few of my friends had gone to Mahabaleshwar. And most of my friends know that I blog, and a few of them have started too. So there were talks about what I would write in my blog about our trip, with my friends saying that do write about this thing or that thing or don’t forget to mention our names etc. I knew that I wouldn’t write about our trip per se but there was one thing that stuck with me and thus in this way at least there would be some mention of the trip.

There is one thing we did in that trip that I was quite fascinated by later on. And as you can guess from the name of this post, it was a game. I don’t really know if it falls exclusively under the ‘gambling’ category but here is what it was all about................

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Portraits- My work of Art!

* This is the original work of Achyut Telang and you may not reproduce or distribute this information in whole or in part and all photos, images etc on this blog post cannot be copied, edited, reproduced or used without the prior written permission of Achyut Telang.

* NOTE : Click on the drawings for a larger and better view.

Yesterday I got a bright idea and I thought - How about including all the other stuff that I do on my blog itself?

If you have seen my profile, you will know that my hobbies include - the very first one being drawing portraits. So for those of you who might be wondering what kind of portraits I make, fret not, here it is, just for you to look at and marvel, if I may say that!

Also note that these pictures that I have made on paper are not scanned but taken by a digital camera without even switching the flash off! So it might not be the best to look at. I will soon update these portraits scanned. So watch out for it...........