Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Portraits my work of art- II

* This is the original work of Achyut Telang and you may not reproduce or distribute this information in whole or in part and all photos, images etc on this blog post cannot be copied, edited, reproduced or used without the prior written permission of Achyut Telang.

I already have another post with this name. Please see- "Portraits- My work of art"

The only thing is that in that post I had put up a few of my portraits but they were taken by a digital camera and so aren't that clear. Thus, in this post, I have again put up 3 of those 5 portraits this time scanned for better results. Hopefully I will upload that other two portraits after getting them scanned soon enough. Do watch out for them.

1) Akshay Kumar :

2) Franziska Almsick :

3) Preity Zinta :

Quote - "I am odd-looking. I sometimes think I look like a funny Muppet." Angelina Jolie


  1. Franziska looks enchanting....who is she....You have a very good talent.

    Akshay could be better. You have made him too chubby with a pointy chin. His cheeks make a more easy transition into his chin.

  2. Hey thanks,
    Franziska is a German swimmer. even I did not know about it when I made the portrait.
    I know the Akshay Kumar portrait isn't a good one but I made it a long time ago and now I can't change it...It only shows how much I have improved..so I'll just keep it!

  3. Great portraits! You are very talented! I can't wait to look at more of your work :)

  4. @ Helene,
    Thanks. I hope you saw the other post too on portraits which I have mentioned because that was the original one and I also have one more in Ghajini post.

  5. @ lvs,
    And you are my true critic..So I will always want you to comment on my posts. So that I can improve.

  6. Very nice. I've always enjoyed doing portraits myself but I was never any good with pencils. Oil paint were more my thing. I envy those who can draw portraits with pencil, so much more portable than oil paints.

  7. @ Avogana,
    Thanks a lot for the wonderful comments..I would like to see your work of art though. And yes, though pencil portrait is portable, it is not that colourful is it?? :)

  8. Wow, those were absolutely amazing ! (: Your talented!

  9. @ Ingrid,
    Thank you for the lovely comment. I will put up more of my work here...do keep watching.

  10. good potraits dear.....keep it up.............

  11. @ mahesh,
    Thanks..see my other posts as well for other portraits.

  12. Wow!, Nice sketches:)

  13. very nice sketches... :)

  14. @ Ana_treek
    Thanks for the comment! :)
